I feel so seen…haha! I also had a c-section with my little guy (my first and only babe right now.) Your experience, feelings, thought process, the things said to you….yeah. Same.

I didn’t even make it 2 weeks “triple feeding.” (Excuse me while I puke in my mouth for a moment while I think about the memories of that experience.) I switched to formula and probably saved my entire family’s life. (Kind of an exaggeration but maybe not actually.) Thank God for the modern option of formula.

Looking back, I genuinely thought all the lactation professionals would know how to help me: a brand new emotional mom who just endured a 3 day labor ending in unexpected major abdominal surgery. (How are you supposed to do a job no one trained you for 24 hours a day while recovering from one of the most intense and invasive surgeries on the list?)

Needless to say, I was very wrong about the lactation consultants. Everyone was well-meaning and I hold no grudges, but holy smokes! They didn’t even scrape the surface when it came to helping me be successful!

It makes me wonder, if we were designed to feed our babies, why is it so freaking hard? And if the professionals aren’t truly helping moms be successful at feeding their babies, are we all being given wrong information? Are we missing something?

There has to be a better way. Are we doing something as a society that makes breastfeeding harder than it needs to be? Because I can accept that breastfeeding is hard. But not THIS hard.

Thank you for writing this - even though it took a long time and you had to find time to write in between it all. I really hope things will improve drastically for our society soon when it comes to the mother and baby department!

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You pulled this comment straight from my own head! I have had all the same thoughts as you, I find a lot of comfort in that 🥹

It is SO hard. And I am also grateful for formula for saving me and my family, I truly don’t know how I would’ve been able to do this without that to supplement. I would LOVE to deep-dive into the push on breastfeeding rn culturally — there has to be some sort of policy explanation. I would also love to know why the consultations from “lactation experts” come with little applicable advice lol I’ll revisit this again soon 👀

Sending you hugs! You’re doing great for your family 💖

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Sep 6Liked by Violet Carol

"What am I missing here" was the constant question I had while breastfeeding. Why does every LC do something different. If tongue ties are so common, why aren't they routinely examined for them? Why did my pediatrician keep telling me to avoid letting the babies "snack" when all the trad breastfeeders said clusterfeeding is necessary? How is this not settled science yet? Why does my pediatrician have any opinion on breastfeeding at all when he received no training on it? Why do the hardliners insist that supply issues aren't real when I'm holding a screaming baby at my empty breast? Am I just supposed to smile at the baby and say "hey, baby, I'm actually doing a great job here and you're absolutely receiving everything you need from me."

Also, my hot take is that when a doctor says "you have to triple feed" what they actually mean is "you're not actually able to breastfeed, but I'm not allowed to say that, so instead I'm going to describe to you an insane protocol that no one can comply with and assume you'll figure it out."

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Yes to all of this! I felt all of these same sentiments, and also during pregnancy. So much is unexplained, which is confounding because childbirth is the singular event that everyone who is ever born must go through, whether it be being birthed or birthing.

I’ve also rejected the “your body will do what it needs” sentiment. That’s not always true, as you point out in your comment! And it is quite disheartening for someone who has battled a disease, cancer or other congenital issue wherein the body did in fact do exactly the OPPOSITE of what it was supposed to.

Here’s to hoping the future is better for the little ones of today 🩵🫶🏻

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Sep 26Liked by Violet Carol

It was actually in my birth plan and explicitly repeated to my doula to NOT say "your body was made for this/your body is doing what it needs to/you were made for this." That's such a baldfaced lie that hearing it immediately makes me feel like I'm in danger. Perhaps it's not surprising that I ended up with a c section, but when the cord is wrapped around the baby's neck and preventing his head from being in the right spot, it's a loss for natural childbirth.

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I’m glad everything worked out — the nuchal cord is terrifying! My girl had that too, also c-section but planned. That’s another element of labor & delivery that seems to get a lot of flak? I’m writing about my experience (positive) with a c-section soon and how we must follow our instincts and advocate for ourselves ALWAYS 🫶🏻

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Aug 30Liked by Violet Carol

Sooooo much of the conversation around full-time breastfeeding is COMPLETELY insane. People genuinely expect you to wake up every two hours for weeks (mayyyybe three), to breastfeed AND pump, and to track your baby’s ounce gains practically daily to make sure all is fine. Breastfeeding should be about allowing women to trust themselves, but it feels a whole lot like it’s about control and shame.

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Totally! And there’s hardly any advice readily available on how to manage all of this…how do we carry on with other tasks in the day? Manage pain? Engorgement? Wean if we can’t do it? The more I talk about this the more I learn that so many of us have the same frustrations about the discourse — hoping one day this changes 🙏🏼

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Sep 6Liked by Violet Carol

Or deal with other kids?! I EFFed my third for a variety of I Hate Breastfeeding reasons but a good chunk of it was simply not believing that it's possible to breastfeed a baby when you have other young kids.

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No one ever talks about breastfeeding with multiple kids! So true

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Thank you for writing this and being real about the experience. Sending you some good vibes as you progress through your journey 🌹✨ I am pregnant with my first and was told to not get a pump because it confuses the body and makes it think you’re feeding more babies than you actually are. It’s so much conflicting information out there! Reading about real experiences is very helpful and cuts through the noise.

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Thank you for this sweet comment! Currently weaning and feeling much better 🫶🏻 Wishing you all the best with your first — it’s a wild but rewarding time 🩵 I’m glad I had my pump, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to even to breastfeed at all! You can get them through insurance if you want one as a backup before you decide what’s best for you — I used yummymummystore.com 💌

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I appreciate this link and the well wishes!! Will definitely look into this and contact my insurance. I hope you have a great weekend 😊🩵

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Sep 23Liked by Violet Carol

So relatable!!! X1000. Thank you for writing this. I don't know how you managed to find time and energy.

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I think it must have been pure adrenaline, I’m now looking back and thinking the same thing 😱 I’m hoping to revisit this again when my milk finally stops coming and I’ve fully weaned. Thanks for reading — we’re in this together 🩵

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Sep 14Liked by Violet Carol

This was me. Thank you for articulating the truth of the task. It was excruciating. I am fascinated by what mothers throughout history did to address the difficulty of breastfeeding. If anyone finds good books on the topic, I’d love to learn.

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Thanks so much for reading — I’m so sorry you faced similar challenges, I wish it were easier! I’ve wondered the same thing, would I have not been able to feed my baby if I were born in a different time? Ditto to wanting to read a book on the topic 🩵

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Love this post

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Aug 27Liked by Violet Carol

Your pain is real. As always your honesty will help others!❤️

I had very much had a love/hate relationship with breastfeeding and had to stop at 6 weeks due to infection we both had and felt like such a failure. I was chastised in the hospital entire time I was there and just cried most of the time. Everyone I knew said how great breastfeeding was so made it worse.

You are brave and sending you strength and love always!🤍

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Oh no, I am so sorry to hear you had that experience! 💔 I’m thrilled for all of my friends who have been able breastfeed the way I wanted, and utterly confused at the lack of support in the hospital to get those of us who can’t do it as naturally while being bombarded with admonitions about using formulas 🙄 I love you tons! 💖

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Violet!! So much here I can relate to. I also had a difficult experience with lactation consultants in the hospital. I hear you & I feel for you. I exclusively pumped for quite a while and had such a love-hate relationship with it. I love how you’re processing all these feels and sharing them. I wish I could have known how to share this when I was in your shoes.

P.S. The fridge hack for pump parts saved my sanity. Hang in there! These early days are so much. my DMs are open if you ever want to talk pumping!

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The more I talk about this, the more women who tell me they had similar hospital experiences with the lactation consultants! Truly confounding that so many of us had that shared experience 😵‍💫

The love-hate relationship is so real. I’m currently on the “hate” — who knows what next week will bring. I will def take you up on the DMs if I continue and overcome this current hill! 💖

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