This one tugged at my heart strings. We have little to no documentation of my son’s first year, other than a obscene amount of pictures. I couldn’t keep up with anything. I started a journal to him on his first birthday that I write in even few months. There’s no rush, you won’t forget how you feel, I truly believe the more you let motherhood reach you, the more you will remember and the more it will shape you in the mother you are meant to be.

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Your last sentence 🙏🏼First-time parenting is the Wild West every single day! I think the obscene amount of pictures is all we have the energy for — my camera roll is obnoxiously stuffed rn with 203938 versions of the same photo, too. We’ll remember what we need to, I think 💖

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I love that, I think you’re right. Let it be stuffed with the same pictures! Such a cliche but she will only be that small once and one day you won’t be able to believe she ever was.

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“Every hour is the Witching Hour with a newborn. The days are strung together in 3-hour increments with no differentiation between 1PM and 1AM.” - I relate to this so much! So true!

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Sending love from the trenches! And hoping your 3-hour increments stretch farther soon 🙏🏼

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