Thank you, Violet, for creating such important space 🙏🏻 Here is to Motherhood becoming mainstream 💪🏻

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Thank YOU for sharing your pub with me so I could include you! And yes to that 💌

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Thank you Violet for gathering these stories together - it is so moving to read them and everyone's different experiences, as well as the similarities. Thank you for sharing my words here; it means a lot.

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Absolutely, I cried reading the post in its entirety; feeling rly grateful for everyone's openness and I'm so glad you contributed. You are so welcome!! 💌

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I loved reading through these ❤️ it’s truly wild how the BF experience is so different for everyone, and yet there are so many common threads. Mothers are superheroes 💪🏼

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Totally, and I had NO clue until I gave birth. I hope this post finds more women in pregnancy - mothers are indeed superheroes 💌

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You are a beautiful soul for putting together this post. I am currently recovering from possibly the worst mastitis I've had and let me tell you the doctors had absolutely no idea what to do with me. It was horrifying to see (AGAIN) how clueless medical professionals are when an issue is "feeding related" and I was given frankly dangerous advice on how to manage my symptoms. One nurse even told me as I was discharged from hospital "maybe wait 24 hours until you feed again" - luckily I have experience working with new mums as well as having researched these things myself, so knew what I actually needed to do.

Anyway, your post made me cry. Thank you for writing it x

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Gosh the "medical system is harmful to women and mothers" topic is a whole other can of worms. I am SO sorry you had horrible mastitis again, it's unbelievable that you weren't able to get the proper help. It shouldn't be on you alone to figure out.

YOU make me cry with your beautiful words and I so hope you're feeling better. You're a superwoman! 💌

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So so so so so sorry to hear you have mastitis (again!). It literally pains me to read it. It is the absolute worst thing.

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For any mama's reading through these comments, Lactation Consultants can make or break your experience. My friend, Jessica Bell, is absolutely amazing. She's located in the Greater Vancouver area in BC, Canada, but if you need support and aren't local, I still recommend you reach out to her. Here's her website if you're curious: https://connectingpostpartum.com/about-me/

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Oh AMAZING — thank you for posting her info!!! I’m going to keep her contact if I have Baby #2 🫶🏻

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I really enjoyed reading these stories and I found bits of my breastfeeding experience in all of them! Thank you so much for this project. It needs to be talked about SO MUCH MORE!!

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I'm so happy to hear you resonated with it! I found myself in so many as well; and it encouraged me to try again if I ever have a second baby. To more breastfeeding stories!! 💌

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The beginning to stopping the secrecy that surrounds breastfeeding right here. Thank you for putting together such a valuable resource to have so many iterations, different angles, real life experiences.

It’s been a pleasure to be included too.

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Yesssss. So so grateful to you for letting me link your pub and for sharing your story as well; to stopping the secrecy!! 💌

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Thank you for assembling this treasure trove! Reading everyone's stories was such an emotional experience and took me back to this sweet but intense time in my relationship with my child.

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I was floored how many subs came in, I cried reading all of them! So glad you enjoyed it as well 💌

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Thank you so much for putting this together and for creating space for these stories. It’s an honor to be included alongside such thoughtful and honest reflections. Writing this piece led me to explore my experience even more deeply, and I ended up expanding on it in a longer reflection (https://www.thismightbecringe.com/p/54-weeks-of-breastfeeding). Grateful for this opportunity and for all the voices shared in this collection 🫶

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This makes me SO happy to hear and I'm glad you shared yours!! Still haven't had time to dive into your post but it's on my "bedtime relax" to do list hehe 💌

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Oh my, what a beautiful thing this is. Such amazingly honest stories. I want to pour a cup of tea and keep coming back to this to be reminded just how extraordinary mothers are. Thank you for doing this, and thank you for including me xx

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Same!! Thank you so much again for sharing your story, your joyful experience has rly inspired me to try again if I ever have a second baby 💌

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Thank you thank you for directing me to alll the breastfeeding content on substack! And thank you for the feature! Reading these stories and finding the one that matches where I am now (Weaning blues I see you!) is so validating.

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Thank YOU for contributing and sharing your story!!! The weaning blues was something I had never experienced and I was so glad it was part of the collection for the mothers who so clearly needed to hear it 💌

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This is a beautiful effort. 👏🏼✨ Important for us to be talking together as women in a world that is so very anti-woman.

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Beautiful, what a wonderful collaboration. We are all in this together.🥹🫶❤️

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This is absolutely incredible, Violet. What a resource! And how cool to see all these stories back to back.

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